Google Apps Script Works - Script code to Copy Filtered/Selected Data from one google sheet to another
Hi Everybody, This is my first ever Blog. I am mostly Interested in programming, and new to Google Apps Script. How ever, I googled a lot to get the following code worked, thanks to all community and google website for giving me the information required Please post comments if the code found useful to you //IN THIS CODE , MASTER SHEET CONTAINS ALL THE APLICATIONS RECEIVED, AND IN WHICH ONE COLUMN SPECIFIES THE LOCALITY/BRANCH TO WHICH APPLICATION RECEIVED //TEMP SHEET CONTAINS THE LIST OF ALL VALID LOCALITY/BRANCH //THIS SPREAD SHEET CONTAINS SEPERATE SHEETS FOR EACH LOCALITY/BRANCH //THIS SCRIPT COPIES THE RECORDS FROM MOUSE-SELECTED AREA OF MASTER SHEET TO RESPECTIVE LOCALITY/BRANCH SHEETS function CopySelectedData () { //Step to avoid accident data copy var Result = SpreadsheetApp . getUi (). prompt ( "Please input the Key" ); var addKey = Result . getResponseText (); ...